why won't my windshield on my 97 chrysler lhs clear up when I turn on my defrost?... My windshield won't defog when I turn on the defrost. I almost died on the freeway because my windshield was all fogged up. I couldn't see where I was going. Please tell me a way to fix this. I know there's hot air coming out of the dashboard vents but it's not defogging the window. Do I need a new windshield or something? Or is it the vents? Your help is greatly appreciated.
1) Hey, so the defogger is not working right. I'm unclear here: ''I know there's hot air coming out of the dashboard vents but it's not defogging the window'', do you mean the windsheild defoggers? If not, make sure you have pressed the correct button on your climate control knobs. If the hot air is not blowing hard, then you may need a new blower fan or if you replaced it, check the seal around it. Another possibility is the re-circulate button may be pressed.The windsheild is fine. check those things first. I hope this helps. - nsxt290
2) Take the car to a shop that works on heaters, and explain your problem. Do it before you get into an accident. - badbill1941
3) Your "mode door" actuator has gone bad.
It's not allowing the warm air to switch from the dashboard to the defroster vents.
A mechanic is going to have to replace it. It's under the dash and is not a easy fix for the do it yourselfer. - seymore d
4) Could be your heater core is leaking causing moist air to be blown on your windshield. Check for damp floor mats on pass. side under dash. - Dennis
5) You could have one of two problems. If the air coming out of the vents doesn't smell sweet, you could have a plugged up condensate drain at the bottom of the heater box. If it does, it's the heater core.
If you consistently park under a tree, I'd bet on the drain. - racefish68122
6) There is one thing that comes to mind. When any Chrysler made product is turned to defrost, they automatically turn on the AC. The AC in defrost mode will clear the fog off the inside of the windshield a lot quicker than the heat alone will. Check and make sure it is working properly. The cold air from the AC coil is dry air and captures the moisture off the glass better than just warm air. A leaking heater core will add to the problem too. However, it usually leaves an oily film on the glass as well. If the glass stays dry with no residue after it is cleared from fog, then the core is probably OK. - Jackolantern
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Question 2
Need picture of a 1968 or 1969 plymouth belvedere?... im looking for some pictures of a 1968 or 1969 plymouth belvedere
Oh by the way don't be a smart ass.
1) Try the internet - Dan R
http://www.google.com/images?hl=en&q=1968%20belvedere&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi - The Dez Pirate
3) if i was smart id tell you to yahoo search 1968 plymoth belveder picture.. - pedro7of9
4) http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.musclecars.net/classifieds/muscle-car-images-large/1969-Plymouth-Belvedere-for-sale_170574813402.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.musclecars.net/classifieds/Plymouth-Belvedere-69-Plymouth-Belvedere-Restored-Numbers-Matching-Rare-For-Sale_170574813402.html&usg=__1MD_7yXpzOxgNr1lL6h85snb0v8=&h=287&w=400&sz=33&hl=en&start=0&sig2=Gwnghf4t-ggg2Fjv6WBvoQ&zoom=1&tbnid=I4W3ONbkggjBUM:&tbnh=161&tbnw=230&ei=3HoSTbHNEMKblge4ibnGCw&prev=/images%3Fq%3D1969%2Bplymouth%2Bbelvedere%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1680%26bih%3D859%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C3420%2C342&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=907&vpy=146&dur=3218&hovh=190&hovw=265&tx=115&ty=96&oei=xHoSTfK4DoO78gb6_vXUDQ&esq=6&page=1&ndsp=26&ved=1t:429,r:16,s:0&biw=1680&bih=859 - J
5) Try http://www.allpar.com/ for info on the Belvedere. They've redone the site and it's not as easy to navigate as it was but there are photos of the Belvedere. - Don't know everything !
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Question 3
2000 caravan. air bag light is on and horn does not work. is there any common fuse or relay that could cause?... this? I very seldom use the horn as I hate people that honk at ever body they see.
1) You have a broken clockspring in the steering column. Take it to the dealer. There is a lifetime recall on those clocksprings. I am not sure if yours falls into the year catagory but I think it does. Anyhow that is the cause of your problem. I have seen it hundreds (literally) of times. - Mike J
2) did you run into or run over something that would trigger your airbag?? or sounds like it could be something in your wiring or yea maybe a fuse i dont know much on caravans but go through and check the fuses that have to do with airbag and horn and stuff like that. - CodyT
3) Clockspring is bad.
there is a recall on those. They will replace it for free. get it done, your airbags won't deploy if you are in an accident. - seymore d
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Question 4
97 Chrysler Concorde code 12 and 43. Idles rough and gets horrible gas mileage.?... Have a 97 concorde. throws engine code 12 and 43. it idles rough and from 40 to 50 mph it feels like its gonna die. i am also getting really bad gas mileage. any help please?
1) go to a auto zone they can tell you - the truth
2) Get ready to buy some new plugs. The NGK's seem to do real good in the late model chryslers - Mike Loch
3) What engine is in that vehicle and what's the mileage, how do the gauges act and tend to read on the average? Example do the speed gauge or rpm gauge tend to be reading too high or are they flecuating.Maybe you've noticed real high rpms when the vehicle is shifting from 0-15 mph the rpms go over 3,000 and the car tends to stutter or jerk or hestitate , plus it will do this constantly as you reach hwy speeds, once at speeds of 60 mph the rpms go well 2,500 and seem to be 2,500 or more when going 65-70mph.Another thing is the temperature gauge where does it sit when cold started, when idling and warmed up and after driving it for 2-4 hrs?
I really recommend that you follow the spark-plug wires to the ignition module/coil pack and one by one remove them clean the surface with a wire brush and do this to every connector.The code 43 could mean that this coil pack is no good but try cleaning those connections first , if you need the coil I'd go to a U pll auto wreckers bec those are quite cheap to buy used and the wreckers should have many vehicles like yours with that same coil just pull one by removing the wires , unplugging the connector and it has a couple of screws either 10-11 mm that need to be removed.
Next pull the plugs one by one and if you've not replaced them lately replace them with the proper factory recommended champion plugs bec that is the best plug for those engines.I've personally tried a whole variety of plugs in those vehicles and none of the upgraded supposely better plugs made any difference in the mileage in fact I found sometimes you loose mileage lol.In my opinion there is one thing that Dodge did that really stands out and that is on the 3.5, especially the 3.3 engines they really have installed on the assembly line the best plugs for the engine.
Code 12 doesn't mean really anything it just means that the battery was disconnected within the last 50-100 starts, plus if you got code 12 and 43 you should of gotten a code 55 meaning no more stored codes exist or end of cycle.
Hope that helps and best of luck.By the way when going to the wrecking yard there are a few extra parts you should pick up , on the fuel rail there is a fuel pressure valve held onwith either a 7-8 mm screw and I recommend getting a few of them or at least two.The fuel regulator valve can cause poor gas mileage and I bet yours is probably no good, plus this part can add another 65 miles per tank.Here's a simple test fill up the tank till it's over full where the fuel is right up to the top then try starting the vehicle and if it runs rough wants to die out but then you restart it and it drives more noremal the fuel pressure valve is no good.Note you're not really suppose to over fill those tanks but this is a sure way to know if that part is functioning fairly well.Another way is when you remove the old one does gas seem to gush out bec if the gas doesn't gush out much that is another way to suspect that fuel pressure valve is faulty.
I know a lot about those vehicles in fact I've worked on those head to toe and have totally over hauled them and I can tell you there is several common faults with those vehicles that ppl tend to end up misdiagnosing or spending needless money on.So if you want my best advice pick up any fuses, relays, bulbs, belts,spark-plug wires,BCM,TCM,PCM, clusters, multi-function switches that you can find.What I'd do if wanting to fix that vehicle yourself , to save cash and especially to have a piece of mind and spare parts either buy a parts car from a tow yard or inbound lot or wreckers or privately or look for all you can carry U pull auto wrecking yards that off a flat low rate for anything you want for your car.If you can have a spare wiring harness that runs across the front end of that vehicle to inside the car handy bec those harness's really have several different wiring issues and on many of those vehicles that age they either need to be rebuilt/fixed or fully replaced.
I truly do love those vehicles in many ways and find them great cruising vehicles that can be fairly reasonable on gas mileage if their properly kept up and over hauled but deep down I'am still a Gm Man.Believe it or not but I've personally driven and seen those 3.3 engines giving over 28 mpg hwy and even with a combo of city/hwy driving included I've seen them give almost close to the same mileage or a good 18-22 mpg city and 28 mpg hwy.Again it's really all in how you drive those vehicles and how well you keep them up bec even a good full set of brakes on those vehicles can last 2-3 yrs or more if the driver uses them right.The key with that vehicle is managing the repairs yourself and using used good parts whenever brand new parts aren't 100% required.
Merry Xmas and Happy New Year to you, your family/friends and to all. - helpful bob
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Question 5
the blower control does not work at all on my Chrysler Town and Country 2006?... My Town and Country minivan's fan/blower won't turn on at all; no matter what setting I turn it to. I know it was working yesterday when I drove two hours but it wouldn't come on at all today. The fuse is good and I was going to try the Relay which is near the fuse but the parts store didn't have one. I have three other relays that have the same numbers on them. Can I remove one and put it in the blower relay space to test it?
1) its probably the motor if all of the speeds dont work, usually when the blower motor resistor/speed control goes out, you will only have 1 speed, high - nick
2) Hey, I agree with the last responder. check the blower resistor to see if that is the problem. - nsxt290
3) The resistor is bad. Very common, I've probably replaced 15 of them this week.
The motors seldom go bad.
There is a capacitor in the resistor that will burn up and you will lose even the high speed.
The resistor is suddenly getting hot air blown on it when it was getting cool air all summer.
They overheat and fail.
The resistor is cheap enough from the dealer and easy to replace. You will find it on the passenger side, under the dash. Only the electrical connector will be visible. It is held in with 2 phillips screws. Take care to not touch the resistor itself. Oil from your skin will cause the resistor to fail again prematurely. - seymore d
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