How to disable the horn on a 1999 Plymouth Voyager?... I have a 1999 Plymouth Voyager SE. Every time I turn the steering wheel the horn goes off and it's extremely loud. I found the fuse box but none of them said anything about the horn. Unless I'm just that car dumb and those abbreviations were completely foreign, I'm sure none of them said anything about a horn. Is there a way I could disable the horn?
Answers from real mechanics or people who have experienced the same problem with the same vehicle is preferred.
1) Pull out the fuse for the horn.
Or cut the wire to the horn.
Have someone honk it, and then follow your ears to the sound. There are 2 wires. Cut one and tape it up. - thinkaboutmoney
2) Your problem is the bad's underneath the steering wheel and replacement should NOT be attempted by anyone other than a certified mechanic. That being said...find the horn itself and un-plug..this is the safest and easiest. Best of luck.... - Joseph P
3) Take wires off horn. Get car to repair shop. - badbill1941
4) Take the cover off the fuse/relay box next to the battery and on the inside of the cover it will show you which relay runs the horn. Pull it out. - Jackolantern
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Question 2
Where to find volare parts?... My boyfriend has a 1976 plymouth volare that he is restoring..we were wondering if anyone knew where we can find parts? Any info would be greatly appreciated!!!
1) an auto junk yard - Nitram
2) Try parts train. - Kevin_57
3) it depends on the type of parts you are looking for
Mechanical parts should be pretty easy - they share a lot of parts with other models
Body part and trim parts are the most problematic - not much is sold in the restoration market for these - you might try desert valley auto parts in phoenix as a start - roadrunner426440
4) that's Valley Vintage Auto Parts. or
Not sure where you are at but Volare parts can usually be found at the Mopar Nationals in Columbus Oh,in Aug of this year. there is also a big swap meet in Carlise PA in June.
Another good source is to buy a copy of Mopar Collectors Guide. Lot's of good vendors to be found there. - seymore d
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Question 3
Do the dash lights on a 1947 Plymouth change as the speed changes ?...
1) On old vehicles running generators, it's not unusual for lights to glow brighter along with engine RPM increase. But that has nothing to do with the speed the vehicle is travelig, except to how it pertains to engine speed. - Fred
2) Sounds like it has a generator instead of an alternator. At idle the output voltage would likely be lower than at driving speeds. It's pretty inherent of that type of charging system. Check the voltage regulator for proper function any way. - The Bass Player
3) Just above idle speeds, not higher speeds. - badbill1941
4) no they may be a bit dimmer at an idle because of the 6volt generator - Voice of Reason
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Question 4
should i buy a 2000 chrysler 300m with 141,000 miles for 2 thousand?...
1) Go with your gut instinct. Don't rush into anything. :)
Also 141k seems like a lot of miles for a car that is only 10 years old. - Jesseka Michelle
2) It's a good price. Be ready to put some money into repairs. - badbill1941
3) That's a good price.. but.. That's also quite a bit of miles. Keep searching before you make any rash decisions. - Derek R
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Question 5
Thermostat location on 3.5 v6 concorde?...
1) upper heater hose at the intake manifold - jjvikings08
2) Follow the upper radiator hose from the radiator to the intake manifold. The thermostat housing will be held in place by 2 bolts. After removing it, you will come to the thermostat. - badbill1941
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