how much would it cost to replace a transmission on a pt cruiser?...
1) try this site (i've used it): - Lavada Meyerman
2) if you remove and install the tranny your self you just pay for the rebuild which could run up to 1000 - drgcrtel
3) Probably $800 to$1,000. - badbill1941
4) A good shop or a Transmission place will put you in a rebuilt one for around $1,200 - $1,500 dollars. or a shop might find you a good used on. and work out a deal with you. call some local wrecking yards in your area. and see what the have and how much their asking for it. Good luck - Jimmy lee B.
5) If you get the transmission at Napa and then take you P T Cruiser to get it fix it would cost you a lot less
to get it fix about $700 to $1000 Dollars - Truck Stop
6) you're closer to 17-2100 dollars with a trans shop rebuilding it with a warranty of 12/12 and the updates a good shop will do - bo
7) You seriously considering doing that? It's a PT Cruiser. If so, figure a thousand or two. - jldude
8) Just something to think about but what exactly is wrong or happening with your transmission or what is occurring bec there are many misdiagnoses especially dealing with electronic/gear controlled chrysler/dodge products.Also be careful bec prices for the part/labour will tend to vary and sometimes factory upgraded replacement bands/gear/ parts are required to be installed in order to fully correct the problem.
I'd try to find a friend etc to help you and maybe pull a good low mileage transmission out of a vehicle like yours at a U pull auto wreckers bec I've seen transmissions that were rebuilt that didn't last for too long and sometimes you can get a good use one for 150-300 bucks then either install it yourself or just buy a shop to install it for you.I've seen transmission shops and mechanics do that job for 250-300 bucks but that's considered a really good deal and on average most want a good 450-600 and even 800 bucks just in the labour fees alone.
Hope that helps and best of luck.By the way there are some shops that will rebuilt it for you for as little as 800-1000 but again most charge a good 1200-2000 bucks.I'am curious what is happening exactly with your vehicle bec there are a lot of transmission control circuit problems that are mostly wiring or ground related issues and they can be the reason that even after transmissions are rebuilt etc and seem to drive or work okay for awhile but act up again.
Happy Holidays to one and all. - helpful bob
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Question 2
Is it safe to buy a new Chrysler?... Is the company now safe from going out of business? This is a big purchase, I wouldn't want to end up with a car that could never be repaired or something like that...
1) by law most companies are required to make parts for 10 years after the last model year
either way Chrysler is junk - nick
2) Even if they did go out of business, Chrysler dealerships aren't the only place to get a Chrysler vehicle repaired. Plus dealerships are more expensive than most garages if you didn't know that lol - ᵀᴴᴱ ᴼᴿᴵᴳᴵᴻᴬᴸ
3) I have a '92 Chrysler Lebaron, and it's a safe durable little car that Has lasted a long time.
I recommended the brand. - Sarah
4) Ya I think they're pretty "safe", still wouldn't buy a land yacht like that tho...there's way better choices, even domestics. - jldude
5) To answer the question, Yes, Chrysler is just fine. They won't be going out of business anytime soon.
Chrysler's are great cars, you'll be very happy with it.
To the guy who says they have to make parts for 10 years, show me the law and I'll eat your hat.
There is no such law. When the part is gone, it's gone.
I'd be more worried about GM shutting down before Chrysler. - seymore d
6) I don't think you have to worry about Chrysler going under. Both Governments will not allow this to happen. Too many people would be out of work. Too many people are paying income tax to the Governments. - Donny
7) you will definitely be fine.other places would still be able to service your car, and anyway the government has proven that they won't let chrysler go out of business - D@ B!gg BosS
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Question 3
Need picture of a 1968 or 1969 plymouth belvedere?... im looking for some pictures of a 1968 or 1969 plymouth belvedere
Oh by the way don't be a smart ass.
1) Try the internet - Dan R
3) if i was smart id tell you to yahoo search 1968 plymoth belveder picture.. - pedro7of9
4),r:16,s:0&biw=1680&bih=859 - J
5) Try for info on the Belvedere. They've redone the site and it's not as easy to navigate as it was but there are photos of the Belvedere. - Don't know everything !
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Question 4
how many spark plugs does my chrysler 300 2008 touring need? and what are the bestest kind?...
1) have somebody that knows whay they're doing work on it - ?
2) Bestest? Should be a spark plug for each cylinder...V6=6, V8=8, etc...bestest kind are whatever Mopar recommends... - jldude
3) If its an RT then it takes 16 plugs and factory plug was a champion copper that they want changed every 30K. They dont work well with fancier plugs because some of them fire 'backwards' and the smaller center electrode is a difficult target for them to hit. - doornobk
4) If it is a six cyl it will take 6 plugs. The bestest plugs to use are Bosch (I didn't use spell check either) - Donny
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Question 5
I lost my car key to a 2001 chrysler 300m, how much would it cost to get a replacement key?...
1) can supply this key for $17.94 for your 2001 Chrysler 300m. They have affiliates all over the country that can cut and program the key for you. They also have the remotes I would order a few extras so this will not happen to you again. Here is the link to the picture of the key and the description: - Bob R
2) With proof of ownership, your dealer can provide a key no. From there whatever it costs to cut a key. - badbill1941
3) Most dealers will sell, cut and program the key for around $60
The dealer I work at does this.
If you bring in your own key, we charge $10 to cut from code, $80 to program.
The car must be with you when the key is cut and programed.
It's cheaper to buy the key from the dealer. - seymore d
4) All the above! And here is a tip. If your key is a standard with out key fob built in, You can make an extra to hide behind the license plate using one of the plate fasteners to go through the hole in the key (which may have to be enlarged). That way if you lock your keys in the car or loose them, you have a spare. Just remember to use a plate screw that a coin (pennie) can take out. Pick one of the above for best answer. I was just letting you know how to save a little time and grief. I had 2 teenage daughters that were bad about locking their cars with the keys in the ignition. - Jackolantern
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