What fluid should I use in my Mopar 904 tranny?... I just had a 72 904 rebuilt. The shop is closed now, so I can't ask them! D*mn it! I went to auto store and they said ATF Dex/Merc.
I just want to be sure. I sometimes wonder if it even matters???
1) I recommend Mopar ATF 3 or ATF 4. ATF 3 is what was recommended by Chrysler. ATF 4 is the latest synthetic version and is very good. - C-Tech
2) ATF + 3, don't use synthetic. - Michael
3) C-Tech is right and Mopar has a couple of good information web sites also - carlar58
4) Dexron is what the factory used and will work just fine.Personally I run type F in the ones I've built for drag racing.Also on the transmission dipstick it will tell you the proper fluid to use. - Amy m
5) If the transmission was built to 1972 specs I would use Dexron/Mercron as that was an acceptable ATF to use that year. Chrysler started using ATF+3 (a synthetic fluid) in 1990 and now uses ATF+4.
Not sure what, if any damage, would occur if ATF+4 would be used in a '72 spec built 904.
And it does matter in later Chrysler transmissions, Dexron/Mercron will ruin a post '90 transmission. - Don't know everything !
6) Dexron would be the standard fluid, type F for Fords if you want a harder shift. We used these fluids in drag cars back in the 60s and 70s. - Samboski
Question 2
how big is a normlal 16 year old dick?...
1) About 5'8", and 140 pounds. - bokeboy71
2) look in the mirror. lol. - jnc623
3) You're still growing and will be for another few years, and bodily appendages will be growing as well. Don't be concerned about size, size varies. Your intellect and mental maturity is what gets the ladies attention, performance, not size, is important when the occasion arises. In my premarriage days (31 years ago), I discovered women were more attracted to me when I "wowed" them with my intellect and gentlemanly manners than my physical characteristics and still wow some today. Believe me when I say I'm not a really good looking guy, masculine yes (six feet, 200 lbs, not too much body fat) but not good looking.
Concentrate now on eating/living a healthy lifestyle, it will pay dividends when you are my age ( six decades plus). - Don't know everything !
4) you do know you posted this in the car section right?
and it is spelled "normal" - roadrunner426440
Question 3
What automobile company is managing Chrysler Corp. factories?... I need some help on homework.
it's 4 letters long.
thank you!
1) Cerberus Capital Management - pbleek
2) FIAT - Dave
3) The head of FIAT, Sergio Marchones is the CEO of Chrysler. The same management (mostly) is in place. - C-Tech
4) fiat. - Michael
Question 4
I need to know if the standard radio that came in a 1993 Plymouth Grand Voyager will fit in another car.?... I am getting a 2007 Ford Escape XLS without a radio and would like to know if the Plymouth radio would fit this car also
1) I seriously doubt the radio will fit if it is a stock Chrysler radio. Most Chrysler radios have been double dins for probably 30-35 years and I know the '93 Grand Voyager is a double din. - Don't know everything !
2) You're probably going to try a wrecking yard for a Ford radio. Chrysler radios will Only interchange with other Chrysler products. - badbill1941
3) short answer is no. go get a ford radio. - jnc623
Question 5
would a 2002 Chrysler 300M have good gas mileage?...
1) i didn't realize they made those that long ago..
and... no... it wouldn't.. unless it was a v6. and even then, not great.
02 was before the gas prices started skyrocketing. remember? and al gore hadn't done his "we're all going to die" movie.
there were also NO hybrid cars out there, etc etc.. for that matter, 95% of the world was still on dial up internet in 2002... and computers were 1/8 as powerful as they are today.
funny how things change in just a few years.... - Mitch
2) Both trims of the 2002 Chrysler 300M (Base and Special) have a 16/24 MPG rating. That means it gets 16 city, and 24 highway. So in other words no, that is not good mileage at all. However, it has 250hp and 255 ft-lbs of torque. The 300M isn't going to be a rocket because it weighs over 3600lbs.
If you're looking to get better performance and mileage than that, go with a higher trim Japanese import sedan. It will be better all around and much more reliable. You may have to sacrifice some space, but if you've ever sat in the back of a 300M/Intrepid you would know that headroom is a more important issue then leg room - booyahbd
3) It should get from 19 to 29 mpg - done wrenching
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