i lost the key to my chrysler neon 2000 model. so what should i do to get another key 4 the car to start?
i tried cutting another key but it refuses to start
joeee @ 2009-08-20 08:54:17
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I bleave the only way to get a new key is bringing the car(tow) to a Chrysler dealership. there might be a chip in the key or it is cut a certian way that will only work if done by a dealership.
z3r0_117 @ 2009-08-20 08:59:46
The best way is to get the car towed to the dealership, and have another one made. You could try calling some locksmiths in your area, as they may be willing to do it a little cheaper than the dealership. They will send a van out and do it on the spot, but they will not give you a genuine key. It won't say Chrysler on it, if you care.
The problem is that your car probably requires more than a cut key. The plastic part of the key in many cases has a chip in it that prevents the car from starting. They do this to make the car harder to steal. You need to have a key programmed as well as cut. I am guessing that whoever cut the key obviously didn't know that, so he didn't give you one with a chip. The key you have will only be for getting into the car in the future, if you lock yourself out.
AS @ 2009-08-20 09:35:10
take your vin number from your car and they can get you another one.
papabear @ 2009-08-20 20:56:52
Automotive locksmith can cut and program the key as it sits. They come to you. Towing to the dealer is also an option.
Hillbilly Locksmith @ 2009-08-21 12:04:07
you can try ebay motors.com type your car's year make and model in the search bar ,they have car keys for good prices and comes with free programming .
twintwin t @ 2009-08-22 12:13:06
fastest engine in 1998 plymouth neon?
what is the fastest engine i can put in my 1998 plymouth neon highliner coupe and it has to b street legal
Brett S @ 2009-08-21 10:39:47
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depends on wer u live.....street legal in some states means original engine only......weras sum states only have a 500hp limit for street legal so ur gonna have to get sum more info b4 we can answer this question
Karle @ 2009-08-21 10:43:45
I have seen a V6 from a PT cruiser fit with no problem
sterling m @ 2009-08-21 10:56:47
Going by the strictest emissions in North America (Cali), you can put in any engine you want, as long as it is the same year as your car or newer, and has all of its working emissions equipment.
Yes, you could put in a 2009 600hp Viper engine and be completely legal.
Practicality kinda says to stick with '98+ Neon engines.
Jennifer L @ 2009-08-21 18:29:15
2.4l 4 from srt-4. drops right in.
addy's gruve @ 2009-08-22 15:07:15
what would cause my pt cruiser to lose the steering while driving?
i was headed to work the other morning and my car completely lost the steering. needless to say i ended up in a 6 foot ditch (luckily not hurt). when the wrecker came and pulled it out he started the car and moved it and it seemed to steer fine. Can anyone explain what happened and if it will happen again?
The car is a late 2001 early 2002 PT Cruiser
The car is actually registered as a 2002, but as we just come o find out when we order parts we have to order 2001 parts. would the powersteering make it lose the sttering but then seem to steer ok when the guy with the wrecker pulled it out?
The car is actually registered as a 2002, but as we just come o find out when we order parts we have to order 2001 parts. would the powersteering make it lose the sttering but then seem to steer ok when the guy with the wrecker pulled it out?
Jessica @ 2009-08-22 09:23:58
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WE need more info what kind of car what year etc but seems like maybe the power steering pump is goin out
Drew D @ 2009-08-22 09:40:29
the power steering pump maybe about to fail that would be my guess without testing .
Delmer S @ 2009-08-22 10:41:15
maybe it wasn't the car itself.could have been something slick on road.my ex wife had to stop at a red light one time and when she hit the breaks she just started to slide.into another car.as it happens she hit the breaks on a sheet of plywood.
Brian @ 2009-08-22 13:52:35
did you loose steering all together or just power assist? if you just lost assist was it accompanied by a whirring noise? if that is the case you most llikely have a leak at the pressure hose under the engine to the steering gear. i haven't heard of ccompletely loosing steering, so i am at a loss there.
addy's gruve @ 2009-08-22 14:51:21
Where are the timing marks on a 1997-1998 Plymouth Breeze?
Bubbiecakes @ 2009-08-22 12:59:02
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should be on crankshaft vibration dampener or pulley at the botttom of engine just above the oil pan should be just a line across the width of the pulley
Dale R @ 2009-08-22 13:58:16
four cylinder? if so on the cam gears there should be arrows and notches. the notches line up with each other. and on the crank pully there will be a notch on the back side toward the engine that will match up with a triangle on the engine at about one o'clock.
addy's gruve @ 2009-08-22 14:45:50
Should be on the harmonic balancer on the end of the crankshaft. What I normally do is turn the engine over by hand untill I find the mark then put chalk on it and wipe it. The chalk will stay in the notch and make it easy to see.
Jimbob @ 2009-08-22 16:16:05
Please stop whatever you're doing and take it to someone who knows.
NEGLECTED @ 2009-08-23 00:24:01
i desperately need 1,300?
how can i come up with the money before monday?
should i get a sugar daddy or what? i'm panicking.
ventimiglia @ 2009-08-21 17:35:42
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well i would need to know why you need it but thats impossible unless u rob someone and even then since people are broke know ur screwed.
BlAzE @ 2009-08-21 17:40:10
yea, or have a really rich family member
J D @ 2009-08-21 17:40:37
well saturday night is shot
ken k @ 2009-08-21 17:42:38
Well if you are good looking and can well I wont say about the DD's and a garden hose with a golf ball. try looking for recyclables, 3 days, lots of hard work you can make it
rick b @ 2009-08-22 01:40:50
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