help my pt cruiser died =[?
i was driving home yesterday and my car died on me.... i ran the codes and got p0340 which is the camshaft i replaced the camshaft and its till not starting.... its a 02 pt cruiser.... any other ideas?
ok i changed my camshaft position sensor sorry i didnt get to type it all... and it still wont start when it first stalled and i tried to turn it on it make like an airy kind of noise..... then it started cranking..... it wont flip over..... and yes i changed the crankshaft and a hub bearing by myself.... im thinking maybe its the wire? its not the battery because my car was running when it happened
chicksplayxbox2 @ 2009-08-24 10:38:05
[Best Answer]Your timing belt is broken. The reason you received the code p0340 is because the camshaft stopped turning when the belt broke. If you remove the upper camshaft gear cover you will be able to see the belt. When you change the belt, get the water pump replaced. It won't cost that much more. Good luck.
C-Tech @ 1251158562
[All Answers]
sage @ 2009-08-24 10:44:44
You replaced your own camshaft???
WOW, I am impressed! Actually I am impressed that you have a code reader too!
Most people take their cars to a garage or to the dealer for repair.
AnswerDude @ 2009-08-24 10:45:55
P0340 is the Camshaft Position Sensor not the actual camshaft itself. You said that you replaced the Camshaft itself? You might have just wasted your money and time. Did you replace it or did you take it to a shop? I've had to replace the sensor on my SRT4 and it wasn't that expensive.
Jimmy @ 2009-08-24 10:46:49
I would investigate the alternator if the car just went out. If the alternator doesn't work the car runs off the battery.
Spanky @ 2009-08-24 10:49:22
You still need to put more info like how does it sound when you trying to start it or does it even try. If the cam shaft had to be change why. If it is from overheating you may have warp your engine block. Your engine is aluminum and it can warp with overheating. this will cause stress on your pistons and crack your camshaft. Your pistons may not moving freely. How does your spark plugs look like when you take them off the engine?
Esco @ 2009-08-24 10:50:19
P0340 is the Camshaft Position Sensor not the camshaft. So you should go find out where to get that part from, but it doesnt cost a whole lot.
Corey @ 2009-08-24 10:50:21
Your timing belt is broken. The reason you received the code p0340 is because the camshaft stopped turning when the belt broke. If you remove the upper camshaft gear cover you will be able to see the belt. When you change the belt, get the water pump replaced. It won't cost that much more. Good luck.
C-Tech @ 2009-08-24 17:02:42
I got high off air duster? Can this kill me?
So i went with my friend and we got the bottle of air duster..the stuff for the keyboarrd. and then we say there and huffed it.
i huffed a lot of it...about like 15 huffs
and after i did it i felt all tingly and like WOAHH.
could this kill me if i like fell asleep or sumthing?
i also took 10 sleeping pills! wat could this do to me.
i took 10 unisom sleeping pills.
please answer! i kno im stupid
Emma♥Katie! @ 2009-08-27 18:05:50
[All Answers]
sooooooooooooo did you get what you wanted???
ken k @ 2009-08-27 18:11:34
Keep it up and you will be DEAD. Better stop that behavior.
alaisjones @ 2009-08-27 18:13:37
The Dust Off? That stuff is crazy... Can it kill you. There are cases of kids huffing it and it killed them their first time. There are cases of people doing it a lot and only having brian damage. There are people like me who have done it in the past and had no noticeable side effects. I recommend you don't huff it. :) Use it for what it is intended.
The pills. Sleeping pills can kill you if you take them and mix them with say alcohol. Then again I'm pretty sure that is only some sleeping pills. They have different "drugs" in them so I don't know for sure. I'd say don't take these either. I'd flush them down the toilet so your not tempted to take them again.
If this isn't working for you... Do what I had to do and put yourself in a treatment program. It's scary at first but it is well worth it.
If you find yourself questioning me remember this "My name is Ethan. I am 18 years old and I am/was a drug addict. I've probably done more drugs then you can name off hand and I still struggle today even though I am sober." "Get help if you need it, but don't continue down this path whether or not you are an "addict" or just using recreationally. It really wont get you anywhere in life... I've had felony and misdemeanor drug charges and I am only 18 years 2 months and something odd days old. You don't want the life I've given myself. Trust me. Drugs are not worth it...
Ethan @ 2009-08-27 18:26:29
WOW you have WAY too much time on your hands, get a playstation or something
that stuff if freon.... and yes it can kill you, read the bottle, if you can....
and the 10 sleeping pills, same thing...
Way to go genius!
your kidding right...?
clawless @ 2009-08-27 18:29:14
I got high off of a Plymouth Duster once - thing was stupid fast (this is the Chrysler section is it not?)
JohnB @ 2009-08-27 19:04:35
Yes the duster can kill you and that many sleeping pills can cause you to stop breathing
rick b @ 2009-08-27 22:26:31
Yes. Please continue and remove yourself from the gene pool.
C-Tech @ 2009-08-28 04:14:30
My Lebaron is acting funny..?
I have a 95 Chrysler Lebaron GTC Convertible.
The check engine light comes on every once in a while, and when I turn it off, then turn the car back on, it doesn't immediately come back on, but eventually does.
I had the tranny checked, and it's fine. But, when I go to stop, it sputters, and sometimes stalls.
Also, what is the average RPM, in which a car such as mine is suppose to idle? Mine averages around 250-500 RPM.
I bought the car in May, and haven't had any problems ntil recently.
I got it from a private owner, and they didn't have any information about when it was last tuned up.
I'm taking it to a shop in a few days to have them look at it, and hopefully it's nothing huge.
Also, I took it to Auto Zone, and they said they couldn't scan it because it was too old.
I did this:
and code 12 and 51 came up.
Char @ 2009-08-26 06:05:00
[Best Answer]Code 12 is battery has been disconnected recently. No worries.
Code 51 is a bad O2 (oxygen) sensor. About $70 and is a pain to install just because the old one will be rusted to the exhaust.
Autozone will not be able to check codes because it is not an OBDII car and they are too stupid to know the old school way. Props to you for finding it (how to read the codes) and executing it correctly.
The lebaron is a great car, even though I'm not fond of the 3.0 V6, they had all the issues worked out by '95. Enjoy her, love her, and have fun.
-A fellow lebaron convertible owner.
p.s. There are two yahoo groups dedicated to the lebaron. I'd suggest signing up and posting there with your next issue or just comment about lebarons. You'll get a better answer faster there.
JohnB @ 1251342115
[All Answers]
1 what does the scan say??
2 rpm should be 700 give or taske a few
3 why did you check tranny if engines not running right?
4 go to mechanic
5 ever been tuned [in last 80K?]
pedro7of9 @ 2009-08-26 06:10:51
autozone scans for free
sounds like a fuel problem try a bottle of fuel treatment maybe average RPM 800 to 900 most likey casue by lack of fuel dirty fuel system bottle of fuel treatment might help it
kelly_f_1999 @ 2009-08-26 06:13:13
Your car should idle around 750 and no lower. Chances are that's why it is sputtering at stops and going dead. The check engine light is most likely gonna be for whatever it is making your car idle low weather it is missfires due to bad plugs or wires or a sensor. Best bet would be to find somewhere locally who runs diagnostics on check engine lights for free and see what they say. Then from there you should be able to solve the check engine light as well as the low idle and going dead problem.
Josh @ 2009-08-26 06:16:19
?'s answer was right. It should idle around 700-800 rpm 750 would be ideal but he didn't see the part where you said you took it to auto zone and they couldn't scan it. I don't know much about 95 Chrysler's but Auto zone should be able to help you. Ask them how to retrieve the codes and what they mean. Years ago when I first worked on a vehicle with a computer they had a booklet that told what the codes mean and how to retrieve them. In this case they sold me a key to stick in a port for the computer that was mounted on the bottom of the dash although I could have just used a piece of wire t
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