Mopar Muscle or Chevy Muscle?
I used to be a chevy guy....Then I stumbled onto the Mopars...Which one do you think is better..I think the founders of the funny car rules....There are alot of famous drivers that drove mopars...Dick Landy Sox&Martin and Don the Snake.
Johnny Rotten @ 2009-08-30 09:59:23
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Once upon a time I owned a Chevelle, then a Nova, then I bought a Challenger and it was Mopars ever since.
Now Mopars are too expensive and my latest project car is a Ford.
CAB @ 2009-08-30 10:07:29
i think that all manufactures make good and bad cars. if you had a mustang vs a chevy aveo ? or a focus vs. srt 8 challenger or a cammaro ss vs. hhr. so i think that when people are die hard fans of one brand they are foolish.
alex @ 2009-08-30 10:12:39
both are great. i love Ford too. (i have a '65 mustang lol) but i definately love both Chevy and Mopar. But in regard which I would choose, i'd probably go with Mopar. I loveeee the Challengers, 'Cudas, Darts, Super Bees, and so on. Plus the Hemi engine? damn. straight up beasts. But Chevy definately has some good shit too lol. but i probably lean a little more towards Mopar.
Stone1 @ 2009-08-30 10:28:20
Personally, I am a diehard Mopar fan. My family has been going to the Mopar shows and driving them/working on them for years. They're all around good cars. Same with Chevy Muscle cars, but like I said, personally, Mopar for me.
Adriana @ 2009-08-30 10:29:24
well my 3 favorite car companies are GM, Nissan Motors, and Volkswagen Auto Group.. however i'm not going to tell you a chevy.. because as much as a like chevy, mopar makes me do the oooh ahhh when i see one thats nice.. since their are far less mopars out there than chevys so if your in the position to get an older mopar DO IT!
Jackson @ 2009-08-30 10:31:36
Honestly, I never saw a muscle car I did'nt want.
My last project was my 90 YJ Wrangler.
Finished it last year and have had a blast with it since.
Current projects ar a 32 Ford Highboy Roadster for myself. And yes it WILL have a flathead! And a 53 Chevy pickup for my son. We found it extremely clean and intact in a barn (yes that still happens). We've got a few years on the 53 as he is 11 yrs old now, but he's made it very clear it WILL be finished by the time he gets his permit. And yes, he's doing the work, I'm the helper on that project.
Dave @ 2009-08-30 14:54:32
Mopars rule.
badbill1941 @ 2009-08-31 02:29:54
mopar or no car. i am the proud owner of a 1971 roadrunner packing an all mopar 440 with four speed in the floor. i wouldnt trade this car for anything
Tony F @ 2009-08-31 11:42:01
When is the best RPM zone to shift a non-turbo PT Cruiser? Looking for that "sweet spot."?
NAVYcop2007 @ 2009-08-28 16:55:29
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"Best" is what the manual says. More than likely, between 2500 and 3000 rpm.
Vipassana @ 2009-08-28 16:58:42
Sweet spot in a PT Cruiser, lol.
doane_nut @ 2009-08-28 16:59:49
You want to drive the car at your "max torque" (for best Gas Mileage and throttle response). As far as shifting I would go slightly above max torque" to make your shifts as to stay as close to the "sweet spot" as possible.
Kids are really _____ these days...
SOUTHERN GENTLEMEN @ 2009-08-28 17:12:03
Id have to agree with 2500 to 3000. If you are looking for max performance tho, id say around 6500 rpm. Those 2 liter engines are HIGH revving engines. Same engine used in the neon, my old neon with an auto would shift around 6500 sometimes a bit higher. Tach went to 7000 rpm and didnt have any red zone (danger zone) on it. Those things would really get up and go when your revved them. They dont make their maximum horsepower, if i remember correctly, until 6000 rpm. It was around 135hp.
eight_kinds_of_hell_454 @ 2009-08-28 17:20:14
There is a very definate falloff in torque just above the sweet spot. In mine it's between 5500 and 6000 RPM. Shift just before that point. @ 2009-08-29 21:18:43
I have a technical question for you about our car -- are you a Car mechanic? esp Chrysler T & C?
Like is it possible to not have to spend $102 for a high pressure A/C hose (that's needing replaced cuz it's leaking)-- We own a 1996 Chrysler Town & Country. Can't we just improvise with some other hose? Why is this so costly? I hardly ever use my A/C except now when it's about 90 degrees outside.
Thanks for answering my question which I will post as a question after I do yours!
Cordelia @ 2009-08-29 17:19:24
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Never use a hose of any other type for A/C. Search around on other auto parts websites to see if you can find that hose cheaper.
dba695 @ 2009-08-29 17:22:42
A/C hoses are different than normal rubber hose. They must be able to withstand pressures up to 400PSI and temperatures that range from 33 degrees F to 200 degrees F. Plus they are not just rubber. They are fitted at both ends with aluminum fittings for connection to components. A/C lines also must be compatible with the refrigerant that they are designed to hold such as R-134A or R-12 in older vehicles. They are not just ordinary fuel or vacuum lines.
Mike J @ 2009-08-29 18:28:04
Go to a parts store and ask if they replace hoses on to AC hose connection ends. And some AC shops also replace the rubber hoses. We use to do this quite often in the town where our dealership is. You can do it your self by splitting the old hose off and installing the new one into the connections and double clamping it on both ends. The hose costs by the foot and could run around $10 for what you need But please do not use refrigerant that has stop-leak in it. It just screws up the recovery machine when the refrigerant is drawn out for the repairs.
Jackolantern @ 2009-08-29 19:31:57
Because the hoses have to hold pressure, a lot more than just wrapping duct tape or a wrapping a piece of hose around it with clamps
rick b @ 2009-08-29 22:00:24
I would suggest to get the proper a/c discharge line, sometimes parts places like NAPA can make a/c hoses, oh and you say you don't use your ac much, keep in mind that when you turn your defroster on the a/c comes on, this is so you can blend cold and warm air to defrost windows.
columbusmopar @ 2009-08-30 04:19:06
i've always wanted to own a chrysler 300c,would it be retarded to buy one now?
w/ the government attempting to remove dodge and chrysler vehicles from the roads, would it be practical to buy a 300c, bearing in mind that i would like to own it and keep it in good running shape for @ least 6years? are parts going to become impossible to find/ exorbitantly priced?
majtom18 @ 2009-08-28 07:27:10
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dude, now is the best time to buy one NEW! chrysler will match your cash for clunkers voucher for a savings of 9k
l @ 2009-08-28 07:36:20
I would buy it. There will always be support for parts and they will always be cheaper than parts for imports....did you ever notice how expensive it is to buy parts for a Toyota etc. I had a transmission fail on a Mercedes. Got it fixed half price of dealer at an independent repair shop because it was rebuilt with Chevy parts ( the Mercedes and Chevy both had Borg Warner tranny and Mercedes charged 2 times as much for the same part!)
poppop @ 2009-08-28 07:37:37
the government is not trying to remove them from the roads. If that were the case they would have let them go bankrupt. They are really in better shape now than GM. Buy the car. don't worry about parts. I can get parts for a 30 year old chrysler still and that has nothing to do with the factory after that many years.
Doug W @ 2009-08-28 07:47:45
The government has a 10 year minimum part availablility law for ALL manufacturers. Buy the car and enjoy the savings!
Dave M @ 2009-08-29 20:24:16
You should also consider that such a car may be expensive to insure. Check your insurance rates before buying one, for example here -
Brad @ 2009-08-31 02:18:28
i have squeaking brakes?
i recently got new brakes and the front left brake is squeaking and hissing.can anyone tell me what this is?
Adrian P @ 2009-08-29 23:42:19
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The shop/mechanic did not put on a product that is a type of grease to eliminate the squealing problem..lazy, but it should go away soon when the pads are worn in. If it bothers you that much, go back and tell them to put the anti squeal lubricant on the brakes at no cost
not 2 B fooled @ 2009-08-29 23:48:35
You can put a dab of brake caliper grease on the back of the pads where it contacts the piston. Also check if the shims and springs are installed proper on the brake pads. Not all cars have this, but you can compare the front left and right brake pads.
Mack L @ 2009-08-29 23:52:27
well the stuff that the first answer said is what they use to not make any noise but you don't need that stuff it also does not make him lazy. but the noise should be gone within about 80 miles driving just needs to be driven. but i never use that stuff and i change the brakes on all my cars
kris @ 2009-08-30 01:25:32
forget the grease on the back of the pads, the quality of the pads make all the difference, if you buy the good metallic pads, and replace or (turn) the rotors there shouldn't be much noise, if you purchased a value line pad you will get the high pitch squeak,if the pad has more asbestos, this creates more dust in turn causes sqeaking, noise may go away, or may not!
columbusmopar @ 2009-08-30 04:25:52
I would take it back to them and tell them the problem and make them fix it.
Alioop @ 2009-08-30 20:25:15