how can I get my 2010 Chrysler 300 Touring AWD to switch back into 2 wheel drive from 4 wheel drive?... First snow in Minnesota and the AWD drive kicked in, showing "4 drive" on the instrument cluster. Several days later with the roads clear, cluster still shows "4 drive" instead of "2 drive" and car seems to accelerate a bit slower. Is there a way to reset without a visit to the service dept?
1) What does the owners manual say?.......................%%% - **Uncle Jed Sez**
2) It's probably in the owners manual somewhere. - The Great Brandini
3) try puting it in neutral and switching it - lilangelsbuddy
4) Probably is in the owners manual - Jim Chalon
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Question 2
About the starter on my Chrysler town and country van?... Hello,
This summer my husband and I traded in our 2010 dodge caravan for a 2007 Chrysler mini van. Well After my husband traded our 2010 in he was deployed overseas shortly after wards. Our 2008 has been sitting in our garage for the past five months, but I have been running it so that it. And moving it back and forth until he comes back this year in December. Well recently our van just shut off. We found out that it was not the battery that it may be the starter. So my question is. is it possible that we can get our old vehicle back the 2010 that we traded in because this van that we have now have not been driven around a lot and it is used. I'm afraid that this problem may have occurred before with the van we have now and the people at the car dealer did not tell us about it. We do have a warranty on the vehicle that we have now so what should we do or what can we do. Because I heard that a starter can cost a lot of money. Any suggestions. Thank you so much and many Blessings.
1) Starters ar not that expensive in fact if u look under starters in phone book u will see someone can rebuild it, (Like starters and alternators rebuilt.) but you still have to take it out and bring it in might be 50 bucks maybe 80. The last time u started it did it rarararararara well that means it was turning the motor and surely it still ok. now if it whent rarazzzzzzzzzzzzzzz rarazzzzzzz zzzz zzz
then that means its getting shot. But if it started fine last time rararavroom then its something else.
If your battery is ok it might just be a ground wire.
Sry there is no way u r gonna get the other car back.Ask some ladies u know if there husband/boyfreind can help gl. - scott
2) Of course you will never be able to get your 2010 van back but about your 2008 you say the van just recently shut off, was the van running and then died or you were not able to start it? because if you been running the engine once a week or less, it is not enough to keep the battery strong enough to start the engine so the main thing to do is jump start it with another vehicle with jumper cables that are at least 4 gage because if you use 8 gage or higher it will not start your engine, now if while the jumping cables are connected your van start normal then it is not your starter, you just need to drive your for at least 30 minutes in the day time so you are not using your head lights and you can also take your vehicle to an auto shop to have the battery charged with a commercial charger and at the same time they may test it for you but also have a second opinion in the event that they tell you your battery is bad because they may just want to sell you a new battery. Good Luck! - King
3) Use the warranty. - Jackolantern
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Question 3
if equipped with dex cool antifreeze, can you use chrysler extended life antifreeze with it?...
1) No you should not mix coolants... if it is green keep it green etc.. Dex Cool has
an orange appearance.. - kitty
2) Sorry Kitty. You can mix antifreeze. The problem is if you have green ( Ethylene Glycol) and you add yellow (Propylene Glycol, then the yellow simply goes from 100,000 protection to 50,000 miles protection. The newer type toted to be used with all types of antifreeze, I have no info on it. - Jackolantern
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Question 4
chrysler town & country Transmission problem?... Hello, My van shows the codes P0746, P1776 and P0740 with the description of TCC circuit malfunction. And the problem is that while I am driving and I press the gas to go faster or what is described as passing gear, the transmission stays in the passing gear so the RPM's are higher than normal so I have to put my shifter in neutral, turn the engine off for about 3 seconds and the restart it and all of this while the van still running which I have to do it very care full and then my transmission goes back to normal but then it does it over and over. Can any one with experience on chrysler transmissions help me? my engine is 3.3L and I believe my transmission is a 604??????? Please help me. Thank You
1) Your P1776 code is the key to the problem. You have a failed valve body. The solenoid switch valve is stuck in its bore and causing this code. You need to replace the valve body. That is the only fix there is. I see this all the time and that is the way to repair it. - Mike J
2) The reason your vehicle does not up shift is the computer sensed a problem, and put the vehicle in fail-safe or limp mode. I suggest you get the vehicle checked by a professional.
Look for a Certified Transmission near you or a ATRA approved shop
or - Certified Transmission
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Question 5
Chrysler mitsubishi 3.0 v6 Engine Diagram?... Does anyone have a picture schematic of the Chrysler mitsubishi 3.0 v6 Engine? I've tried searching the internet and have yet to find any image with detailed information of the engine (broken down to the parts) so you could seen a completely dismantled view of the Mitsubishi 3.0 V6 engine. If you do have it possibly list a link to the image please
1) sometime the public library has copies of automotive books and they do it in the books/i know around here a guy that goes and looks stuff up there - ken k
2) Your best bet would probably be to purchase a Haynes manual from your local automotive parts store. I have various Haynes manuals covering '90's model vehicles, Dynasty, Spirit, Caravans, etc. and they give a pretty good look at the 3.0.
You may find what you need or a Haynes manual at your local library too. - Don't know everything !
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