Chrysler Neon 1995 - camshaft or timing belt?... Does a Chrysler Neon 1995 mod have a camshaft or a timing belt?
okay sorry i meant: does it have a chain or a belt?
1) All internal combustion gasoline engines, except for rotary wankel motors, have a camshaft. And most have a timing belt that connect the camshaft to the crankshaft. - Dutch
2) Yes, one of each. The timing belt drives the camshaft from the crankshaft. - rick29148
3) the cam shaft is connected to the crank shaft by a timing belt or chain (some manufactures use a cog system to connect the two) as far as im aware the neon has a belt connecting the two. - hotrod
4) It has a timing belt. It is under the black cover on the front of the engine. (passenger side) It is recommended that it be changed, at least, every 100,000 miles. - Jim
5) Your Neon has 2 cam shafts under the valve cover. It has a timing belt that runs off a sprocket on the front of the crank shaft up to the sprockets located on the front of the 2 cam shafts. - Jackolantern
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Question 2
Are 2nd generation Chrysler Sebring convertibles generally good cars?... Please help. I have gotten many mixed reviews when checking other websites. People have so far either said that it was the best car they ever owned or it was a complete piece of trash. Let me know what you think.
1) complete piece of trash. - jimslade
2) Used cars are hit and miss, there is not real guide book as to how reliable it will be due to the fact that they will have been used by different drivers in different situations. I recommend not buying something that a younger driver has used as it will not have been cared for as well as a car from an older driver. My recommendations are to get a car fax report, and go and see the car.
Go see the car, test drive it, listing for things that don't sound right; loud screeches, clunking noises.
Feel for vibrations that would not be normal; strong vibrations in the steering wheel.
Check the heat of the engine while driving it, if its getting to hot then it has a radiator problem.
also, when test driving be sure to go up hills and try various speeds, this will test the transmission.
one final note, If the person you are trying to buy it from will not let you test drive it then DO NOT BUY IT because there is a 100% chance of something being wrong with it. - RCD
3) I've always read that most Chryslers were a poor choice to get used (or new) due to poor reliability and quality. And all convertibles have additional drawbacks that won't get better with age: their bodies are less rigid (no roof) so they shimmy and shake, and there is the additional complexity of the roof mechanism which means more things to break. - Pearls Before Swine
4) I had a '99. I absolutely LOVED that car. Never gave me a problem except for minor things. I unfortunately drove her head on into a tree, and she went to sebring heaven. But, I'd give anything to have another. Preferably a '04,'05, '06. Convertible. Must be a convertible. I love them. Had a cirrus lx once that was a nightmare. Then a stratus that was great. Then the sebring that I absolutely was in love with until I killed her. - auroras
5) As I know such a car cost a lot to insure. Check your insurance quotes for these cars before buing one - - Richard
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Question 3
No start on 91 Chrysler Imperial?... For some reason the car doesnt want to start. Checked spark...its fine. I checked the fuel at the check valve with the button on it pressed down. While cranking the car, no fuel spit out of it. There is no fuel smell coming out the exhaust after cranking numberous times. After changing the fuel filter, it hiccuped a couple times while cranking. But still continues with the no start situation. I put my hand under the gas tank when my bro turned the key and I can't feel the time fuel pump turn on. I doesn't make a buzzing noise either. But when the key is turned the fuel pump relay clicks so its not a faulty relay. I found what looks like a diagnostic connector under the hood with a single wire diagnostic port near the main relay box. Is there a way to check for other codes via this connector(s)? I checked the engine codes via the key ON-OFF-ON procedure but only pops up a code 12. Could I possibly have a bad fuel pump? I havent borrowed a fuel pressure gauge yet. But I am thinking about getting one. Thanks!
1) AMAZING!Is that what you are looking for? - Chana Huang
2) if the pump kicks on then it,s not the pump. you say no gas coming through the small valve on the fuel rail? maybe it,s the fuel regulator on the fuel rail. check the regulator before getting the tester. you can,t test it anyway if no gas coming through the valve. no gas getting to the valve then it can,t get to the injectors. - bandit_60
3) Mm...I think it may useful for u. - Erma Bolin
4) You got me...I found it at - Wenz Gutierrez
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Question 4
town & country power seat?... My passenger side seat stopped working, I moved it forward along with the driver side to drop the middle seats into the floor, after I was done with the project and lifted the middles back up, the passenger seat would not move back into normal position. the driver side still works, only the passenger side stopped, no power at all. Now my wife is on the dashboard, is there something under the seat I can look for to reset or something?
1) Find the motor under the seat and tap it with a wrench or something see if it works again, sounds like motor may be gone need to find parts from junkyard. - tommy
2) Could be something under the seat ,jamming it. Glove, rag, popcan, etc. - Dennis
3) Go to a mechanic..they will fix anything or help you with what you need to and give great advice! Trust me...good luck =) - Blaze
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Question 5
how to replace tension pulley assembly on 1998 Plymouth voyager?... remove and replace tension pulley assembly
1) Go to a mechanic..they will fix anything or help you with what you need to and give great advice! Trust me...good luck =) - Blaze
2) You don't mention the engine thats in the vehicle but basically you need to remove the belt by releasing the tension on the belt via the tension pulley centre bolt.Then all you need to do is remove the centre bolt, pop off the pulley, and place the new pulley into place.I've found it easier to slide the belt back on and tighten up the bolt.
Hope that helps and best of luck.By the way the bolt maybe a 15mm and shop around for the replacement pulley bec prices can tend to vary a lot, plus the parts store maybe able to print you out some do it yourself instructions or pick up a service manual for it. - helpful bob
3) A $25 Chilton"s manual will explain this quite well for you. - Dennis
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