is there any conversion kits to turn a automatic trans in to a manual? Chrysler b engine?... i have a 440 with automatic
1) no they are too different and you would need to add a clutch pedal - the best thing to do is get a shift-kit installed - GDBear
2) They do make shift kits for some popular automatic transmissions. These kits will change it from auto to manual shifting. There is no clutch, but you have to manually shift from 1st to 2nd, 2nd to 3rd, etc. It requires removal of the trans and taking it completely apart. You will have to change plates and drill holes. It is expensive. Your better off trading in your car, for one with a manual. - WB
3) There has never been a kit that i've heard of. With a lot of money and hard work, you can add a clutch. - badbill1941
4) There is no way to convert an automatic into a true manual simply because of the engineering. A real manual has 2 shafts side by side for each gear, whereas an automatic uses sun and planetary gears. Some people have successfully added a clutch to an automatic, and coupled with a manual valve body (which doesn't take much to install, really), it would behave like a manual, but it wouldn't be as efficient as a manual. Best bet? Call Keisler Automotive and order a 5 speed TKO-600 kit for it and be done with it. - Sean
5) If you want to install a manual transmission behind your 440 (which is an RB engine, not a B) visit for info. They have everything you need to convert an A, B, or E body (don't know if they have a conversion for C bodies) to manual transmission.
It won't be cheap but this is the easiest way to do it. - Don't know everything !
6) ... - Steven
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Question 2
How do I find out if my 2009 Chrysler 300 Touring is AWD or RWD?...
1) it will saw awd on the back or just look under the car in front you will see two drive shafts going to each wheel - big mike
2) wet your driveway and floor it and ask somebody to watch the wheels - MCXD
3) 300 never came rwd they came fwd or awd - jim
4) Look for a driveshaft in the front of the vehicle or you can check the vin number against codes on the internet. The order of the numbers will tell you if it is awd or not.
And Jim the current body of 300 introduced in 2004 as 2005 model and including the current update are RWD with an available AWD option. Chrysler no longer builds a full-size FWD sedan. - Patrick
5) I don't know if it matters or not (it depends on where you are) if the car is a wagon or not. The 300 Touring is the 300 wagon in Europe, and was the Dodge Magnum in the US, with a different front-clip.
Anyway, if you are comfortable crawling on the ground, you should see drive-shafts behind the front wheels and a CV joint boot (looks like a black rubber Michelin man). Then you have AWD.
You can also call a Chrysler dealership with the VIN (from your insurance card) and ask them. They should be able to look it up for you.
If they can't do that, you can drive to the dealership and ask them to verify it and a mechanic will crawl under and look. - C T
6) its either going to be FWD or AWD. The only RWD is when its the 300C with the hemi but that can also be ordered in AWD. Just look at the back of the car by the trunk. All dodge/chrylser cars that are AWD. Have AWD plate on the back. - Matt S
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Question 3
Should I buy a chrysler 300c '05 with 80,000miles for 15grand?... It has 22 black rims navigation tint and some other nice accessories
1) seems like a ton of money to me for a 6 year old car - offer 8 and then walk away - roadrunner426440
2) thats a ripoff. - MCXD
3) I am agree is very expensive it is a 2005 2011 cars are on the market
look at
and after you look compare prices and make your own judgment - OSO POLAR 52
4) no way too much for that many miles. use this link just change the location to by your house. I found for 12,900 a 2005 300C AWD with 44,000 miles with the other $2,100 you can buy the rims you want;_ylt=AiUFJrm45kRqGFhlZDOWxbb1Vo54;_ylv=3?sortcol=mileage&sortdir=up&askpriceub=15000&askpricelb=10000&deliverymileageub=any&deliverymileagelb=any&location=Clinton+Twp%2C+MI+48036&listingtype=used&model=300c&make=chrysler&distance=300
Use this link;_ylt=AsKGDkoOI4AXC2xV7K4a0hL1Vo54;_ylv=3?distance=300&location=Clinton%20Twp%2C%20MI%2048036&sortcol=mileage&sortdir=up&make=chrysler&model=300c&askpricelb=10000&askpriceub=15000&deliverymileagelb=any&deliverymileageub=any&listingtype=used - Matt S
5) You should also consider that such a car may be expensive to insure. Check your insurance rates before buying one, for example here - - Jim
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Question 4
Overheating problem.... 97 Chrysler Sebring?... I am about to buy a 97 Chrysler Sebring and the person said the car overheats a lot, because she left it in her driveway while she went to school. The car is $850... Am i getting a good deal and if so how can I fix this problem. I am a semi-mechanic so I don't know much!! I don't want to buy a junk car, because my mom just got out the hospital and I need transportation for her... So please someone help me with this problem. Thank You!!
1) run away as fast as you can..don't buy a car that probably needs at least a head gasket,,maybe a whole engine.. - pedro7of9
2) Could be water pump. - Dennis
3) Unless you have someone really good with vehicles that can check it over for you or a mechanic I'd stay way from it bec if it's sat too long thats never good for the brakes or engine especially the gaskets and also they might of damaged the engine from it over heating.Remember if someone says that it over heats slight even that probably means it has over heated more then slightly and if the person says it over heats a lot that means it's not just probably over heated severely but it's done it many times.Also remember that anybody that would let occur so many times probably doesn't maintain their vehicles in general very much either.
Hope that helps and best of luck.By the way I hope your mom gets better soon and if you want to learn about what vehicles to buy and stay away from check out the lemonade book it's a great eye opener for anybody interested in buying either a new or used vehicle and also it offers lots of very helpful info. - helpful bob
4) Please do not buy this car. Overheating causes engine damage. Those old Sebrings are kind of junky. Save up some more money, and find a Honda Civic/Toyota Corolla/Nissan Sentra...something solid and reliable. Have a mechanic check it before you buy. - Matt & Jenny H
5) Don't buy it. An overheating engine in those cars will probably be a head gasket. Talking $1500 for the V6.
Good deal for a mechanic maybe. Not for anyone else. - Jay S
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Question 5
my 1999 plymouth grand voyager will not start?... i bought a new battery thinking that was it. it started right away,it ran for a day or two then nothing. I turned the key and i heard a clicking sound. please help
1) rapid clicking and you just put anew battery in sounds like your alternator is bad your new battery was charged and you ran all the juice out of it in two days the alternoter replaces the juice used - jim
2) Something is draining you battery. - Dennis
3) I'd charge up the battery fully then go to a parts store or shop that offers a free charging system test bec either the alternator or the voltage regulator is probably faulty.
Hope that helps and best of luck. - helpful bob
4) If it's not the alternator, it's the starter, I think Advance Auto or Autozone will check these for you. - confused
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